
Creating a visual identity for a proposal that suits the immediate street scene, while not impacting on current views across the site and presenting a more public elevation that feels well placed within the setting.
A proposal that gained local support through lengthy consultation, design review panels and working alongside the Town Council, local Civic Society and the County Council.
Designed to enjoy uninterrupted views over to Flushing, Falmouth Harbour and down the river to Penryn.
location        Â
contractor         Â
: Falmouth
: £tbc
: Berryman Construction
: completed
/White wings adds a replacement dwelling into the heart of the Falmouth Conservation area.
Designed to reference the local character while blending a modern twist on Hertiage detailing. The new home will meet near PassivHaus standards and be an exemplar sustainable build.

/sustainable attributes
A project which lives and breathes sustainability. From recycling materials during demolition to creating a top-performance building using predominately natural and or recycled insulation. This project has pushed us in both the detailing and how we need to think about future design to create buildings that look fantastic, perform incredibly well and can be built to the desired vision.
/ the building uses a reduced UFH system as there is next to no requirement for heating
/ it is constructed from slab up, from a technically advanced wooden framing system reducing thermal bridging
/ utilising both wood fibre insulation along with recycled newspaper
/ the thermal comfort is regulated with an MVHR system to bring fresh, warm air into the rooms
/ powered by a solar array and air source heat pump there is next to no requirement to use the grid
/ the building is wrapped in reclaimed slate and recyclable zinc cladding which reduces the building's carbon footprint
/ it has been fully 3D modelled allowing the contractor to order exact amounts of materials and reducing waste through construction
/ the dismantling of the building was organised to allow the recycling and reuse of existing materials
/ a water capture system is in place for use around the garden and reducing water loading on surrounding infrastructure
/ triple glazed windows, doors and roof lights have been installed
/ this is a reuse of a brownfield site
/ the performance of the building was entirely calculated in PHPP allowing the exact amount of services to be installed saving materials, labour and the clients budget
/ the existing planting has been protected in construction and a fully bio-diverse landscape has been designed to enhance this
/ local consultants, contractors, suppliers and installers have been used throughout the project keeping the benefits of development local and aiding the surrounding economy